Integrate models

By default the library will only add a GraphQL pages endpoint for the wagtail’s core Page model. It can be queried via the GraphQL endpoint with the following query:

query {
  pages {
    wagtailcore {
       page {

Enabling page model to be accessible via GraphQL endpoint

To query any specific page model fields, it needs to first be registered. To do that the page model has to inherit wagtail_graphql.models.GraphQLEnabledModel.

# blog/
from wagtail.core.fields import StreamField
from wagtail.core.models import Page

from wagtail_graphql.models import GraphQLEnabledModel

class BlogPage(GraphQLEnabledModel, Page):
    introduction = models.TextField(help_text='Text to describe the page',
    body = StreamField(BaseStreamBlock(), verbose_name="Page body", blank=True)

Assuming that the model exists under the blog app, it should be possible to query it with the following query:

query {
  pages {
    blog {
      blogPage {

Specifying GraphQL fields

The fields exposed in the endpoint will also have to be explicitly defined. It requires adding graphql_fields list with wagtail_graphql.models.GraphQLField instances to the model definition, e.g.

# blog/
from wagtail.core.fields import StreamField
from wagtail.core.models import Page

from wagtail_graphql.models import GraphQLEnabledModel, GraphQLField

class BlogPage(GraphQLEnabledModel, Page):
    introduction = models.TextField(help_text='Text to describe the page',
    body = StreamField(BaseStreamBlock(), verbose_name="Page body", blank=True)

    graphql_fields = [

Now those fields should be accessible via the endpoint in the following way:

query {
  pages {
    blog {
      blogPage {


Snippets that inherit wagtail_graphql.models.GraphQLEnabledModel will be accessible via the GraphQL endpoint. The query structure is as follows:

Custom models

Custom models object types can also be added to the GraphQL schema with this library in the same way as page models or snippets. The only difference to the snippets and pages is that that it will not be query-able. The sole point will be to register the object type in the schema so it can be used to resolve related objects or can be used as a custom field types without having to manually specify the Graphene type.