Custom page types


The GraphQL query used to generate a website structure is placed in the gatsby-node.js file within the createPages function:

const path = require('path');

const PAGE_TYPES = {
   'home.HomePage': path.resolve('src', 'pages', 'home-page.js')

function getComponentPathForType (pageType) {
   return PAGE_TYPES[pageType] || path.resolve('src', 'pages', 'base-page.js');

exports.createPages = ({ graphql, actions }) => {
   const { createPage } = actions;

   return graphql(` {
         wagtail {
            pages {
               wagtailcore {
                  page {
   `).then(({ data, errors }) => {
      if (errors) {
         throw errors;
      }{ url, id, pageType }) => {
            path: url,
            component: getComponentPathForType(pageType),
            context: {
               pageID: id

It uses the core Wagtail’s Page model to find all the pages and its paths. Using the getComponentPathForType function it determines what React component to use for the given page type. The available types are defined in the PAGE_TYPES object. By default the base-page.js component will be used for a page type without a specific component mapped to it.

Defining a custom type

In this example a locations.LocationPage model is used.

To define a custom type you need to create a new React component.

Then in gatsby-node.js the page type has to be linked with that component.

// gatsby-node.js
const PAGE_TYPES = {
   // Other possible page types
   'locations.LocationPage': path.resolve(
      'src', 'pages', 'location-page.js'

Make sure that the key of the object matches pageType value of the GraphQL page object (it is case sensitive).

After that the Gatsby server has to be restarted and the new component should be used for instances of the new page type.

Rich text

The template comes with a pre-defined component to be used as RichText container, e.g.

// src/pages/home-page.js
import RichText from '../components/rich-text';

const HomePage = ({ data }) => {
   const page = data.pages.home.homePage[0];

   return (
         {/* Any other components */}
         {/* Any other components */}

export default HomePage;